I have been busy at work, and have been tired when I get home, so haven't updated this lately. Mel went back to Lincoln City yesterday to work on the house. His brother, Ronald, is going down to help him too. Jared and I are going to go down next weekend to help. I told Mel I hope he has a toilet working for me by the time I get down there!
Tammy brought Quintin over tonight while "Daddy" was teaching Karate. We gave him a bath and watched Survivor. He loves his baths, but is already about to outgrow Gramma's kitchen sink...Thank goodness I have a huge tub for later.
He fell asleep and I rocked him for awhile. We went upstairs and picked out several books that were Jared's when he was a boy. Tammy took them home to read to him. She took him to his first "story time" at the Library yesterday. They read The Cat in the Hat. I am glad that she is getting him into reading, as it is a love of mine.
Jen called yesterday and they took Kailer in for some blood work. She said they took THREE tubes of blood out of my precious baby. I asked her if he had any left in him. She said he was a real trooper and didn't cry at all on the first arm, and when they did his other arm (due to the blood not coming out of the first one) he only cried for about 5 seconds. What a tough little guy I have there.
Kaeden told Jen that it was going to make him cry when they went in there, but he didn't. He is such a thoughtful loving brother. She thinks he didn't cry, since Kailer didn't cry.
Jen, Steven and the boys are coming down this weekend, and I can't wait to see them!!! I don't get to see them enough.
Well, I will close for now. Here is a picture of Mr Quintin during his bath. Hopefully I will have new pictures of all 3 boys after this weekend.