Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Busy life...

Mel and I at the Luau in Kona, Hawaii

Mel and I at the Kiluaea Volcano

Aaron & Peightin at the park:

Kaeden's fish:

Steven & Kailer with his fish:

Lady Kinleigh:

Gramma Vicki, Kaeden, Kai & Kinleigh:

Peightin in Jared's rocking chair:

Aaron, Quintin and Peightin

Quintin fishing with Great Grandpa Curt and his daddy, Jared:

Jen & Steven's gang:

Tatum & Kai Kai:

Steven's oldest, Tatum & youngest, Kinleigh:

Kaeden and Triniti:

I can't believe how long it has been since I posted a new message. This year is 1/3 over! We are loving life and feeling good. Mel and I started on a weight loss program on December 7th (yes, we really did start right before the holidays!)We have been pretty successful. I am down to my goal weight and Mel has lost over 65 lbs. He is within 10 to 15 lbs of his goal weight too.

Our grandkids are so awesome. Aaron is now 14 & living with Jared and Tammy full time, Tatum is 9 and is so tall and sweet, Triniti is 8 & also tall and sweet. They are the best big sisters! Riley is 7 & gets to go over to Steven and Jen's quite often. Him and Kaeden are a lot alike. Kaeden is 7 and is growing into such a great kid & doing well in school. He knows to have an answer whenever I ask him "What did you learn today?" Kailer is 4 and always the little comedian. He LOVES having his picture taken with his baby sister, Kinleigh. Quintin is also 4, and you NEVER know what he is going to say...Quintinisms are so entertaining. Peightin turned 1 in Dec. & is our little sweetie. She is a mommy's girl, but does warm up to us when there aren't a lot of people around. She loves drawing and looking at books. Then there is our little Lady Kinleigh-6 months old. She is sitting up now, has her ears pierced and is so loved by all of her brothers and sisters!

Mel and I just went to Hawaii with Gary and Linda. It was our first time there, and we really enjoyed it. There was a lot to see and do. I LOVED snorkeling and swimming with some green sea turtles. I have always loved the water. Maybe because I am a Pisces. We have also been enjoying going to our beach house as often as possible.

I have started a class on making a quilt block a month so that in 12 months I will have enough to make a full quilt. I am also still doing scrapbooking off and on. I love doing it, but just seem to be busy with other things, so don't do it as often as I would like to.

I hope to post more often on here.

Til later...