Friday, December 26, 2008

We had a Merry Christmas...

I don't really have time to post much right now, as Mel and I are headed to the coast in the morning early. We went to Jen's for Christmas and had such a wonderful time. Then we got to spend some great time with Jared's family too. We sure had fun with the grandkids and seeing all of their new toys and excitement. They are the light of my life. We told Jesus Happy Birthday too, as we do remember that he is the reason for this celebration.

Here are A few pictures to keep you going till next time...

Frosting cookies for Santa:

The boys in their new Mario Brothers jammies:

The boys hanging their don't have to have a chimney:

What we came home to:

Quintin's train from Santa:

Peightin wasn't too sure about the holiday:

Mel & Peightin (17 days old):

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Peightin's photo shoot with Gramma-3 days old

I am sure everyone knew this was coming. I went over to Jared and Tammy's on Thursday and did some pictures of Peightin. She was pretty cooperative considering it was the middle of December and we were stripping her. The following are some of my favorites:
In the basket her Grandpa Mel slept in when he was a baby:

On a mirror that belonged to her Great Grandma Freida:

The special delivery bow & tag Gramma Vicki made for her:

She is our special delivery:

In the wicker baby carriage:

And one of my all time favorites, this is Jared & Tammy's rings on Peightin's toes:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WELCOME to Miss Peightin Linn Zumwalt...

Peightin arrived at 11:14am Monday December 8th weighing in at 6 lbs 6.9 oz and 19" long. She has some dark hair, and is very precious. Not a lot bothers her at this time except having her diaper changed. I will post more later. Everyone came home today and is doing well. Tammy is very sore, and it is hard for Quintin to realize he can't just jump up on her lap.
Til later here are some pictures of her...will post more later.
Jared & Peightin:

Tammy's first look:

Big brother, Quintin & Peightin

The family:

Jared & Peightin watching TV:

After the nurse put Peightin's feet prints in her baby book, she put the extra ink off of her feet on Jared & Q's arms:

The back of her hair is dark & about an inch long:

At Gramma's in Jared & Jenn's cradle:

In the car for the trip home:

Saturday, December 06, 2008

My Mr Q's 3rd birthday party...

I got up this morning and started working on Quintin's birthday cake for his party. He wanted BUGS on his cake, so this is what we came up with, and also some party pictures:

The next time I post, it should be pictures of Quintin's new baby sister. Peightin Linn is scheduled to arrive sometime Monday, December 8th. Tammy is to be at the hospital at 8am for her scheduled c-section. Jen is coming down Sunday night and is going to Walla Walla with us. I am taking Quintin and he will stay with me while she is in the hospital. I am excited and happy for them.

Til later...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Great weekend...

Last weekend I gave Tammy & Peightin a baby shower. It was a little crazy just before it started, due to the fact that when I went to pick up the 2 cakes from Safeway they had only decorated one of the two cakes! And it was only 1 1/2 hours before the shower was to begin. I scrambled and found some things to stick on top of it. Tammy brought over a rattle too.
Jen, Steven, Tatum, Triniti, Kaeden and Kailer all came down, so it was doubly a good weekend. Also here was Pam & Scott from Canada & Mom & Dad. It was a fun filled crazy weekend. After the baby shower we had 28 people here for a BBQ. It turned out to be such a good weekend.
This is the diaper cake I made for Tammy & Peightin. I made the 2 receiving blankets that are with it too (Below it and wrapped around the bottom layer:

The cakes:

We played a fun diaper melt different types of chocolate candy bars in diapers and then people have to smell them and try to guess what type they are. I tried to use harder ones on some. I used whatchamacallit, reeses peanut butter cup, uno, 5th avenue & butterfinger. It was Very funny watching people smell them, and Jen even asked if she could lick one. Ha ha:

One of the outfits from Gramma Vicki & Grandpa Mel:

Here are some pic's of the fun-The kids helped Grandpa rake leaves...and then they just had to jump into them...

Grandpa Mel & Kai checking out the specials in the paper:

Kailer's cast:

Great Grandpa Curt, Triniti and Kaeden playing a new dice game called LCR (left, center, right)

My little man...toothless Kaeden. He really can ask Santa for a front tooth...and if he hurries and loses the other one, he can ask for 2 front teeth

Mr Q showing me his "toddler" shirt rules:

Tatum in the tree:

Triniti in the leaves: