Saturday, December 13, 2008

Peightin's photo shoot with Gramma-3 days old

I am sure everyone knew this was coming. I went over to Jared and Tammy's on Thursday and did some pictures of Peightin. She was pretty cooperative considering it was the middle of December and we were stripping her. The following are some of my favorites:
In the basket her Grandpa Mel slept in when he was a baby:

On a mirror that belonged to her Great Grandma Freida:

The special delivery bow & tag Gramma Vicki made for her:

She is our special delivery:

In the wicker baby carriage:

And one of my all time favorites, this is Jared & Tammy's rings on Peightin's toes:


Stacy Armentrout Skinner said...

Very cute photo's Vicki! You always do a great job taking them.

Amy said...

My favorite is the one of her on the scale with the Special Delivery tag on it. =D