Monday, January 30, 2006

Quintin & Aaron

Tonight Jared and Tammy brought the boys over and they had dinner with us. I made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn. There was enough left over for Mel for his lunch tomorrow. While they were over here I got some pictures of Aaron and Mr Quintin. Here is one of them. I played with it in my PSP program. I printed one off for Jared and Tammy. They were wanting a picture of the boys together. When I did the pictures a weekago, I didn't get any of Aaron and Quintin together, as Quintin was being fussy.

Jen told me I needed to write more than I had on my last posts. I write in a diary every day, so I now will have to try and keep both of them going. That will be interesting. My sister once told me I have one of the most boring diaries there is. She used to read my diaries when we lived at home, but I can tell you that I have won a lot of bets with her, as to when things happened etc.

Well, this is all for tonight. I will post more later. Posted by Picasa

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