Sunday, July 13, 2008

Summertime fun...

We have been having a busy summer. A friend of mine, Pam Martin, and I took Quintin and Nathan to Hood River to ride "Thomas the Train" on June 28th. It happened to be the first HOT weekend in Hood River this summer. It was 103 degrees that day, so was a little hard to enjoy. Thy boys did like playing at Great Grandpa Curt and Great Grandma Marcelle's house before the ride, and the shaved ice we got them at the train station was a big hit. Here are some pictures from the trip:

Thomas the Train, Quintin's favorite thing at this time in his life:

Mr Q watching out of the train:

Nathan on the train:

Gramma Vicki & Quintin riding on Thomas the Train:

Pam & Nathan riding on Thomas the Train:

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