Friday, December 15, 2006

Happy Holidays everyone!

I am up bright and early this morning, as Mel just left for the Oregon Coast. Him and Dennis were going to go down last night, but a HUGE storm kind of changed their plans. The wind gusts in Lincoln City hit 91 MPH, and several roads were closed due to falling trees. We still aren't sure exactly which route they will be able to get through on today. They are supposed to keep me updated. I guess it is a good thing that we were required to put hurricane tie down on the house when we build it.

I have had a busy time since I posted last. I have been working on Christmas cards, gifts and just spending time with my family.

On December 8th I took Kaeden to Hood River and we rode the Polar Express train to the North Pole, picked up Santa Claus and returned to Hood River. Kaeden was very good and only asked Santa for one thing. He wants a Ben 10 watch. After the ride we went to White Salmon and stayed all night with my parents. Kaeden and Great Grandpa Curt colored in a "Cars" coloring book, and then GGpa measured Kaeden on the post in their basement. Kaeden wrote his own name on the mark, and did a good job of it. We woke up to snow the next morning. It was very pretty and peaceful looking. It really got me into the Christmas spirit. Our trip home was fine.

When we got home I got busy decorating 2 cakes for my little man Quin's first birthday party. His birthday was actually on the 13th, but since Jen, Steven and the boys were down, we went ahead and celebrated it Saturday. Mel and I went over for the party, and then I stayed and watched Aaron, Kaeden, Kailer and Quintin while the kids all went and played pool. They were home by 10:30.

I went over to see Quintin on his birthday and to take some pictures of the birthday boy. He had to go to the Dr on his birthday and has a sinus infection. He got excited when I walked in the door, so that made me feel good. He is not quite walking, but will be soon. He pushes toys around but just won't let go and take off walking at this time.

Well, I need to get ready for work, so I will close this message and leave you with some new pictures.

Til later...

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